Pyrometers in combustion plants
Application report on temperature measurement of sooting flames and hot combustion gases
Application report CellaCombustion
Within the framework of legal regulations and licensing requirements, the limit values for NOx emissions must be respected. The correct recording of the temperature in the combustion chamber plays a decisive role in the optimization possibilities.
Pyrometers are ideally suited for this measuring task. They determine the temperature in milliseconds from the infrared radiation of the measuring object. Depending on the measuring point, different device solutions must be used. The measurement is wear-free and does not cause any consumption costs.
Pyrometers are ideally suited for this measuring task. They determine the temperature in milliseconds from the infrared radiation of the measuring object. Depending on the measuring point, different device solutions must be used. The measurement is wear-free and does not cause any consumption costs.
- optical temperature measurement - fast and wear-free
- application solutions for all relevant measuring points
- extensive portfolio of stationary and portable pyrometers
- complete measuring systems incl. mechanical and pneumatic accessories